This help document shows you how to sort the learning objects displayed when working in the Manage Course feature of the Curriculum Engine.   


For details on how to get to the Manage Course feature, please see Classes | Manage Course overview.

Expand Course

Once you are in the Manage Course window, the Track Progress and Edit Availability section at the bottom will display your course components, including all sections and learning objects associated with the course. You can expand each section to view the learning objects by clicking on the down caret to the right of each section:

For information on expanding all of the course details, please see Classes | How to expand a course under manage course.

Sort Display

You can further sort the course view by selecting from the checkboxes at the top left of the listing. The default view shows all learning objects in the course. 

A learning object is any instructional piece that you use in your lessons. They are the individual tasks that have been used to build your assigned courses. See Learning Object Manager | What is a learning object? for more information.


Show Only Optional

You can sort by optional learning objects by clicking the Show only optional checkbox. When selected the Curriculum Engine will only display tasks marked as optional and any standard learning objects will not be displayed.


Show Only Unassigned

Learning objects can be either standard or optional. Standard learning objects are automatically available to your students when the course is assigned to them while optional learning objects must be assigned to students before they have access. Optional learning objects are typically items such as answer keys, assessments, or other items for which you want to control availability. 

Learning objects that have already been assigned will have the assignment name displayed under the learning object name. In the image below, both "Assessment: Polynomial Structures..."  (print and online) are used in the Topic A Kick Off assignment.

To filter out any learning objects that are already used in an assignment, click the Show only unassigned checkbox. When selected, you will see just those optional tasks that have not been assigned to any students yet. 

In the image below, the learning objects that were used in the Topic A Kick Off assignment, "Supporting Resource: Polynomial Structures..." and "Assessment: Polynomial Structures...", are no longer visible.

Hide LOs Marked as Done

Under Track Progress and Edit Availability, you can mark learning objects or tasks that have been completed by your students. This step is necessary in order to show progress in the course, and impacts the associated reports.

To filter out those learning objects that have been marked as done, select the Hide LOs marked as done checkbox and you will only see those learning objects that have not yet been completed. When completed, the Mark as done checkbox will be selected.



The sort options under Track Progress and Edit Availability in the Manage Course window allow you to drill into the view to more easily see and access specific learning objects.