This help document shows you how to create an HTML5 type learning object.

When creating a new learning object, there are three steps. Selecting the type of learning object is part of Step 3: Upload/Link LO.

Create HTML5 Learning Object

Before you can add content to your learning object, you must first select the learning object type. 

Click the drop down to select HTML5 Interactives from the drop down list.

To create an HTML5 learning object you must import a zip file. Click the Choose File button to select the HTML5 zip file you are importing. 

** NOTE ** The zip file must contain the index.html file in the root directory. 

After selecting the file, the system will upload and begin syncing. 

Once the sync is complete, check the confirmation box at the bottom left indicating that you have the rights to use the materials and then the publish and save buttons are activated.  

Click Publish to make the learning object available. Once published the learning object can be used in courses.