This help document shows you how to import a Curriculum Engine course via Common Cartridge into Canvas.
The common cartridge (.imscc file) is exported from the Curriculum Engine. Please see the the help document Export Thin Common Cartridge File which provides information on exporting this file from the platform.
Importing Common Cartridge into Canvas
1. Log into your Canvas account and open the course to which you want to import the Curriculum Engine resources.
2. Select the Settings menu and then click Import Course Content on the right.
3. Select Common Cartridge 1.x Package from the “Content Type” drop down.
4. The Import Content window will open:
- Click Choose File to select the Common Cartridge file to import.
- Under Content, select All content or Select specific content if you want to import only some of the file content.
- The Default Question bank and Options can be left blank.
- Click Import
5. Your common cartridge file will now start uploading. It will display under Current Jobs.
6. Once file is loaded it will display as Completed. Note: There will be an issue listed as you still need to configure the external tool before you can access the resources. This error message is normal.
7. Next, you need to import configure the external tool for the common cartridge resources that were imported. Go back to Settings, and click Apps and then View App Configurations.
8. There should be an entry listed for “”. Click on the Gear icon to the right of this entry and select Edit.
9. The Edit App screen will open:
Enter the:
- Consumer Key - Delete the “fake” text and enter the consumer key from the Curriculum Engine.
- Shared Secret
- Launch URL
This information can be found in the Curriculum Engine. See our article: How to get the LTI information for a Common Cartridge File.
Once you’ve entered the information, click Submit.
10. The Common Cartridge file resources are now available and can be found under Modules:
Depending on how you imported the file the tasks will be under one or multiple module folders.