This help document is for District Supervisors and shows how to review and approve a Learning Object created by a teacher. Once a shared Learning Object has been approved, it will be available to all teachers in the district.

Learning Object Repository

To open the Learning Object Repository, go to the Content menu at the top right of the screen and select the Learning Object Manager option. 

This will bring up the Learning Object Repository and any Learning Objects that are awaiting approval will be flagged:

As a District Supervisor, you have four tabs in the Learning Object Repository:

  • Global Network LOs: This tab contains the Learning Objects that come pre-populated with the platform and align to your course standards.
  • District LOs: This tab contains any Learning Objects that you have created or that others have created which have been approved at the district level.
  • LOs for Approval: This tab contains any Learning Objects awaiting approval.
  • LOs with Suggestions: This tab contains any district Learning Objects for which edits or suggestions have been submitted. You can approve or reject the suggestions.

Click on the LOs for Approval tab to see any Learning Objects awaiting review:

Any folders containing submitted Learning Objects will have a number listed in parenthesis to the right of the folder name.

Click on the Name of the Learning Object to open it in preview mode and review the submission:

After reviewing the Learning Object, click the Approve or Reject option at the bottom left of the Learning Object card:

Once the Learning Object is approved, it will be available in the Learning Object Repository to all district users and flagged with a "Contributed" tag. You can see a list of District approved LOs under the "District LOs (#)" tab of the Learning Object Repository. 

*NOTE* If the Learning Object is not approved, it will still be available to the teacher who created it but not to the rest of the district users.