This help document provides an overview of the My Portfolio Assignments view for Students in the Curriculum Engine.
My Portfolio Assignments
Assignments Tab
In addition to the courses tab, under My Portfolio, you have an Assignments tab. This tab shows you all of your assignments with key information.
*NOTE* An assignment is any task that has due dates attached to it. Assignments can include both standard or optional learning objects.
Similar to the course view, the default will show you assignments for all courses across all of your classes. You can filter the view to see just assignments for a single course or a single class, as well as sort the list:
Sort by
You can sort assignments by the below criteria:
- Name
- Duration
- Due date
- Score
- Status
Select the down arrow on the "Sort by" box.
You can also change the display from ascending to descending by clicking on on the arrow to the right of the box.
Filter by Class
You can filter assignments by to see only those for a specific class.
Select the down arrow on the "Filter by class" box to see the class options.
Filter by Course
You can filter assignments by to see only those for a specific course.
Select the down arrow on the "Filter by course" box to see the course options.
Assignment Listing
Each assignment entry in the listing will show you:
- Status;
- Name and Details;
- Estimated Duration;
- Assigned On;
- Due Date;
- Score (if Completed); Non gradable or those tasks that are graded offline will have an n/a in this column.
- Actions Available.
You can click the View Details link under the actions column for more information.
The Curriculum Engine will display a pop-up with information on that assignment such as the course name, class and teacher as well as the name of the task.
Click OK to close this popup.
Assignment Actions
The buttons on the far right under the action’s column, allows you to launch your assignments to work on them. This button will say start, review or resume depending on where you are in working on that particular assignment.