This help document provides an overview of the My Portfolio Courses view for Students in the Curriculum Engine.

My Portfolio Courses

When you first login to the Curriculum Engine, you are brought to the Courses tab on your My Portfolio page.


You may see more courses than the number of classes that you are taking. This is because each class can have more than one course assigned to it.  For more information see: Course Manager | What is a course in the Curriculum Engine?  


The default view shows you courses for ALL classes sorted by course name.



You can change the options by selecting from the drop-down listing. For example, you can filter to see just those courses for a specific class.

Select the down arrow on the "Filter by Class" box:

You will see a list of all your classes. Select the one for which you want to see associated courses.


You can also sort the courses by name, status or assignments. Select the down arrow on the "Sort by" box:

You can also change the display from ascending to descending by clicking on on the arrow to the right of the box.

Course Cards



Each course card provides general information about that course such as the name of the course and the teacher.



If you have assignments, they will be flagged at the top left along with due dates on the bottom as well as if any are new assignments or overdue ones.


Assignments are any optional tasks that have been assigned and given a due date or tasks that are already in the course materials to which a due date has been added. New assignments indicate those that you have not yet started.

Progress Bar


You’ll also see a progress bar in the center of the card which shows you how far you are through the course materials. 

*NOTE* Progress is manually managed by teachers so simply turning in an assignment does not impact the progress bar in the Curriculum Engine. Once the teacher marks the course material as done, the progress will be updated.


To the right of the progress bar, there is another one that shows you your score. 



  • The score ONLY reflects online graded assignments such as online assessments and interactive practice problems. 
  • Off-line work or PDF assignments do not impact the score shown on the Curriculum Engine.
  • Online graded assignment that you have not yet completed will impact the score as the assignment grade will be included as a zero until you have finished the assignment as which point your grade will be used in the score average.




If you click the profile image at the top right of the screen you can access your profile information as well as logout of the Curriculum Engine.