This help document shows you where to find the course details for the course you are managing. This functionality is under the Manage Course feature of the Curriculum Engine.
For details on how to get to the Manage Course feature, please see Classes | Manage Course overview.
Course Summary
At the top of the Manage Course window, the course you are managing will be listed, along with an overview of the course structure.
To expand this area to see the course details, click the down caret on the right.
Course Details
At the top right of the course details, you’ll see a summary of the course structure. For example, the course below has 10 units, 70 topics, 168 lessons, and 1,210 standard learning objects, along with 2,556 optional ones.
Once you have expanded the course details, you will see the following information:
- Course Duration: The number of periods and how long each period runs
- Pacing Setting: The days of the week that the class meets and the length of the periods
- Start Date: The date the course started
- End Date: The date the course will end. *NOTE* Once you are past the course end date, the course is locked and no longer available to students.
To close the course information, click the up caret at the top right.