This help document shows you how to mark an assignment as complete, which impacts the course progress reports.  This functionality is under the Manage Course feature of the Curriculum Engine.   


For details on how to get to the Manage Course feature, please see Classes | Manage Course overview.

Expand Course

Once you are in the Manage Course window, the Track Progress and Edit Availability section at the bottom will display your course components, including all sections and learning objects associated with the course. You can expand each section to view the learning objects by clicking on the down caret to the right of each section:

For information on expanding all of the course details, please see Classes | How to expand a course under Manage Course.

Mark a Task as Complete

The Track Progress and Edit Availability section is where you mark learning objects (assignments) as completed once they have been taught. You can also specify the time spent on them, which allows for the progress and usage to be tracked. 

To mark a task as complete, simply click the Mark as Done checkbox at the top right of that task card.


If available, the system will default the time spent to the time associated with that Learning Object. You can override the default time if the actual time was different. To do this, enter a time in the Time Spent field. The time should be in minutes.


Mark a Lesson as Complete


You can also mark all of the tasks within a lesson as "done" at once rather than marking the individual learning objects. 

To mark all tasks under a lesson as done, select the Mark as Done checkbox under the lesson name. All of the standard learning objects under that lesson will be checked as done, with the default time for those tasks filled in.

*NOTE* If the checkbox has a minus sign displayed, it is because one or more tasks within the lesson are already marked as done, which means the lesson is “partially” complete. 

Optional Learning Objects

Standard learning objects can be marked as done at any time.


However, the Mark as Done option is not available for optional learning objects unless they have already been added to an assignment. Once the learning object is part of an assignment, you can edit the assignment to mark it as done.

Graded assessments and graded practice problems automatically impact the progress report when completed by the student and do not need to be marked as done; therefore, the option will be grayed out for these types of optional learning objects.

Save Changes

Once you have marked your lessons or tasks as done, you need to save the changes. To save changes, go to the top right of the Track Progress and Edit Availability window and click the Save button on the top right.

You’ll be prompted with a message once the save is successfully completed. Click the OK button.

Student View

When tasks have been marked as complete by the teacher, students will still see the task in their digital course materials, but the task will be flagged with a "completed" tag. Students can still launch the task by clicking on the Review button.