This help document covers updating the standards used for your course. In this step, you can update your standard set including the subject and the course level or grade standards to be used with your course. 

When Editing a Course, updating the standard set is part of Step 2: Select Standards & Skills.



Remove Standards or Skills


When editing the standard set, the top section (Select Standards & Skills) will be open by default, showing you the currently selected standards and skills for the course. You can remove skills or standards by clicking on the "X" to remove a standard or on the individual skills to select or deselect them.

Select Standard Set 

You will need to scroll to the bottom section, Select the Standard Set, to change the standards or skills used with the course or to select new ones.


Fields under Select the Standard Set include:

  • Standard Consortia: This will default to the consortium used for the course and cannot be modified. 
  • Subject: Select Mathematics from the drop-down menu. 
  • Course/Grade Standards: Select the course standards from the drop-down menu. You can choose from those courses assigned by your district that are associated with the standards selected under Standard Consortia.


After updating these fields, the Show Standards and Skills button will be activated:


Click the Show Standards and Skills button to see and select from the updated standards you want to use for the course. 

See Course Editor | Step 2: How to update specific standards and skills used in a course for additional information.