This help document shows you how to preview a learning object in the Learning Object Manager. 

Where can I find the learning objects?

To open the Learning Object Repository, go to the Content menu at the top right of the screen and select the Learning Object Manager option. 

This will bring up the Learning Object Repository, with all of the learning objects currently available. *NOTE* The learning objects available will depend on the standards associated with your account.

To navigate, click the down caret to open a folder and the up caret to collapse it. When the folder is open, you can scroll through the learning objects of that type. You can view the learning objects in either grid or list mode. See Learning Object Manager | Grid and list display options for more information. 

Preview | Grid Mode

To preview an existing learning object when viewing in grid mode, go to the learning object card in the Learning Object Repository and click anywhere on the colored part of the card. In the image below, that would be the yellow space.

*NOTE* The default view in the Learning Object Manager is grid mode.

This will open up that learning object in preview mode. When done, click the back arrow at the top left of the preview screen and you will return to the Learning Object Repository.

Preview | List Mode

To preview an existing learning object when viewing in list mode, click on the learning object name to open it. In the image below, that would be any of the purple hyperlinks; for example, "Help Documentation Online Assessment."

This will open up that learning object in preview mode. When done, click the back arrow at the top left of the preview screen and you will return to the Learning Object Repository.