This help document shows you how to check the coherence of your course. The coherence check will tell you if there are any errors in your course.

When Building a New Course, you go through five steps. Checking coherence is under Step 4: Edit Course Content.


Check Coherence


Once you are done editing your course, you can check to see if there are any missing components. Sometimes, a learning object type will be missing from a lesson. If so, you may either delete or modify the lesson, upload your own learning object, or proceed as is. 

**NOTE** Every lesson needs at least one standard learning object.


1. Click the Check Coherence button at the top right of the course builder window.


2. The system will prompt you with any informational messages about coherence issues in the course. Lessons that are impacted will have a red box with an exclamation point (!) displayed at the top left.


**NOTE** The coherence check is for informational purposes only and doesn’t prevent you from publishing the course.


After the Coherence Check, you can click “View Pacing” in the last step of the Course Builder. See Course Builder | Step 5: View Pacing. This is an optional step. 

If you're ready to publish your course, go to Course Building | How to publish your course.